Just Because You Live in a Nice Neighborhood Doesn’t Mean You Should Spend More to Have Your AC Serviced

While it seems like a no-brainer that air conditioning providers have set pricing, the reality is that most incentivize their technicians to “pad” the bill. And when they come into a nice neighborhood like McDowell Mountain Ranch, you can bet that’s happening.

What’s the most common way for a technician to make more money for their company? Hands down, it’s to “force” the sale of a new system. This is typically done through fear tactics. For example:

“Your compressor is already running at max amperage, once it’s hot out it will fail. So, you need a new unit.”

“Your unit uses the older version of freon. New units use the newer version, which is less expensive. You should just get a new unit.”

“Your unit is 12 years old. Most units in Arizona last about 12 years. If you wait until it breaks later this Summer prices will be higher and it might take awhile to install. I recommend getting a new unit now.”

All of the above are fear tactics to get you to spend more by prematurely buying a new air conditioning unit

This is a common practice everywhere, but in nicer neighborhoods the sales pitch is harder and the prices are higher. We have lots of examples of our customers getting quotes from other companies that are $4,000, $6,000, even $8,000 higher than the typical price of a new AC system.

That’s why PriceMyAC.com offers 100% transparent pricing on new system installations. We even show you our profit, so you know the bill isn’t being padded.

None of the above has anything to do with servicing your unit

Unfortunately, when unscrupulous companies want to sell you a new air conditioning unit, they have zero incentive to actually service your existing units.

PriceMyAC.com is proud to say that we have customers with units running for 18 or 20 years, and we have testimonials on Yelp to prove it. So, if you’d like expert service and an honest assessment, call us at 480-718-7209 to schedule an appointment.

Stay cool,

John T. Lamont, Owner

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Don't wait for AC trouble to strike. Schedule your service appointment today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with our expert care.